Trending Topic: SBCC Basics Refresher

Whether you are new to social and behavior change communication, or have been practicing SBCC for years, it is always useful to have a refresher on the basics of all phases of the SBCC process. Many Health COMpass users contact us asking for a list of “basic tools” so we are pleased to present such […]

Whether you are new to social and behavior change communication, or have been practicing SBCC for years, it is always useful to have a refresher on the basics of all phases of the SBCC process.

Many Health COMpass users contact us asking for a list of “basic tools” so we are pleased to present such a list for your reference. This list is far from comprehensive, but we hope that it will be a starting point for learning, or re-learning, SBCC skills. It is organized by the steps of the SBCC process, and for each step we provide a few tools and a few examples from project work. For a super-quick refresher on the SBCC Process, you can always refer to “The P Process” brochure.

We welcome your suggestions for this list, and ideas for its use – please add your materials by registering and then completing thecontribution form.

Happy learning!


Foundations of SBCCEvaluate and Evolve
InquireInvolve Stakeholders
Design the StrategyOrganizational Development
Create and TestAll in One Resources
Mobilize and Monitor
ToolWhat is Social and Behavior Change Communication?
ToolSBCC Research Primers
ToolSummary of Communication Theories
ToolThe “P” Process
ExampleNURHI Conceptual Framework
ExampleNational Framework for Effective HPN SBCC
ExampleJHU CCP Pathways Models
In the Inquiry Step, we begin to understand the extent of the problem by identifying audiences, uncovering our intended audiences’ barriers to behavior change, identifying facilitating factors to behavior change, and developing a succinct problem statement.
ToolUnderstanding Formative Research: Methods, Management, and Ethics for Behaviour Change Communication [Facilitator’s Guide]
ToolResearch Methods
ToolHow to Conduct a Situation Analysis
ToolHow to Do an Audience Analysis
ExampleFormative Research on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Vietnam
ExampleSituation Analysis of Behavior Change Communication Activities in Bihar
In this step, we create a strategy that will get us from where we are to where we want to be. The strategy will include communication objectives, audience segmentation, program approaches, channel recommendations, a workplan and a monitoring and evaluation plan.
ToolA Field Guide to Designing a Health Communication Strategy
ToolHow to Develop a Communication Strategy
ToolHow to Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
ToolDeveloping an Effective Evaluation Plan
ToolWriting a Communication Strategy for Development Programmes: A Guideline for Programme Managers and Communication Officers
ExampleHealthy Women of Ukraine Program FP / RH Communication Strategy
ExampleKenya National EMTCT Communication Strategy 2012-2015
ExampleBehavior Change Communication Strategy for NRHM in Uttar Pradesh
ExampleSBCC Strategy and Implementation Guide [Guatemala]
This is when we develop the program’s communication products, combining the “art and science” of SBCC. In other words, we implement the art – the creative and artistic vision needed to inspire audiences to change as well as the science – the analysis, theory and strategic decisions we’ve developed. We also test our ideas and designs with our intended audiences to ensure that messages are clear and actionable.
ToolHow to Design SBCC Messages
ToolHow to Design SBCC Creative Materials
ToolHow to Conduct a Pretest
ToolHow to Test Creative Concepts
ExampleMethodology for Pretesting Rock Point (RP) 256 Comic Book
ExampleEbola Key Messages
ExampleCHCT Materials Pretest Report
Now we implement our program and monitor its progress. With our partners, we disseminate products and conduct activities. Individuals who have been designated to monitor activities will make sure distribution and roll-out proceed as planned and potential problems are identified and addressed as quickly as possible.
ToolTraining Manual on Basic Monitoring and Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Health Programs
ToolMonitoring and Evaluation Toolkit
ExampleBCS Program Monitoring Form
ExampleReligious Leaders Monitoring Form for Ministry
ExampleStreet Smart Intervention Implementation Planning Tool
ExampleAdvocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan [Nigeria]
ExampleMulti-Sector Partnerships for Preventing Violence
At this point we conduct activities to determine how well our program achieved its objectives and identify any unintended consequences. We want to know why the program was or was not effective and whether or not the program had its intended effects on the knowledge, attitudes or behaviors of its intended audiences. We will also use the lessons learned to influence future programming and funding allocations.
ToolTraining Manual on Basic Monitoring and Evaluation of Social and Behavior Change Communication Health Programs
ToolA Framework for Program Evaluation
ExampleWazazi Nipendeni Impact Evaluation Results Summary
ExampleEvaluation of the Family Planning and Law Campaign
Throughout the SBCC process, we need to learn more and more about our audience, and that knowledge can only come from those stakeholders who represent various segments of the population. It is vital to engage stakeholders from the outset.
ToolHow to Conduct a Stakeholder Workshop
ToolThe Facilitation Primer
ToolInternal Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Toolkit
ToolESD Model: Mobilizing Muslim Imams and Religious Leaders as Champions of Reproductive Health and Family Planning
ExampleARH Stakeholder Workshop Meeting Summary
ExamplePartner Orientation Package
While SBCC work is ongoing, an organization is always working to develop local capacity, resulting in more highly effective staff members, organizations, and systems—including organizational and financial stability, program service delivery, and program quality.
ToolResource Mobilization Implementation Kit
ToolHow to Develop a Mission Statement
ToolSWOT Analysis
ToolHandbook for Advocacy Planning
ToolBasics of Fundraising
ToolMarketing Your Organization’s Services
ToolFundamentals of Costing and Pricing
ExampleQuality Improvement Process for SBCC Programs and Group Sessions
ExampleZambia Capacity Building Strategy
ExampleMulti-Step Process and Tools for SBCC Capacity Strengthening
ToolGlobal Health eLearning Center
ToolIntroductory Courses in Social and Behavior Change Communication
ToolHealth Promotion Foundations Course
ToolSBCC Online Courses
ToolHow-to Guides (Health COMpass)

Photo credit: Radio journalists interview community members about the root causes of local conflict during a field trip in a peace-building radio programming course at Notre Dame University in Mindanao, Philippines. © 2001 Ross W. James, Courtesy of Photoshare