Multisectoral Integration of SBC Programming A High-Level Exploration of Integrating Family Planning with Other Development Sectors

This report presents the result of an assessment carried out by Breakthrough ACTION to identify opportunities to integrate FP SBC programs with SBC programs outside of the health development sector. The report describes the process used to carry out the analysis along with recommendations for future assessments.

Breakthrough ACTION conducted this analysis in three parts:

  • A literature review outlining existing linkages from published and grey literature, evidence maps, and program directories, which helped to identify enablers, barriers, and needs.
  • Stakeholder interviews representing three development sectors (population, health, and environment; democracy, rights, and governance; and food security/livelihoods) and various organization types.
  • An expert stakeholder consultation, including a synthesis of findings and facilitated discussions on the challenges, needs, and opportunities for multisectoral SBC integration.

The report discusses findings on the nature and extent of existing SBC and integrated programming and includes consideration of potential opportunities for FP SBC integration. It also documents the results of the stakeholder consultation and presents action steps to support improved multisectoral integrated programming.

Last modified: April 13, 2020

Language: English

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs