Project Example

Preventing School-Related Gender-Based Violence: Radio Spot 3 [DRC]

Communication and training materials were developed for an intervention to prevent and mitigate school-related, gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Katanga Province, DRC. The materials included codes of conduct, a life skills curriculum for students, and a training curriculum for teachers, comic books for SRGBV youth clubs, findings from qualitative and quantitative research that provided the evidence for the intervention, and translated and adapted versions of USAID’s Doorways I and III Safe Schools curricula. The intervention was implemented in 31 schools.

The project aimed to equip girls and boys ages 10–14 to resist, avoid, and report incidences of SRGBV and receive supportive services. At the same time, the intervention built the ability of administrators, teachers, SRGBV focal persons in schools, and parents to identify and discourage SRGBV and intervene, if incidences occur. Healthy gender norms were also promoted.

These 60-second radio spots cover the same topics as the campaign’s series of comic books:

  • Rights of the child- A dialogue between two parents about providing the same access to education for both girls and boys.
  • Corporal Punishment- A dialogue between a mother and her son, who is in secondary school, on a teacher’s unjust punishment of a student.
  • Positive Discipline- A monologue by a school discipline officer who acknowledges that corporal punishment is unjust.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019