Project Example

Evaluation of the COMPRI-A Social Marketing Program by USAID in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

This four year project (2012-2016) in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IRoA) worked to harness the resources and infrastructure of the private/ commercial sector in the supply of family planning and a range of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) products and services aimed, particularly, at women and children under five years of age.

The primary focus of the project was to build the capacity of the private sector to provide affordable health and family planning products to low-income groups, presently comprising condoms, OC pills, injectable contraceptives, a chlorine safe-water product and ORS. The project’s behavioral change initiatives specifically targeted women of reproductive age and the health needs of children under 5 designed to increase knowledge, understanding and use of the range of family planning and child-survival products along with a range of other health interventions, as well as targeting influencers around these behaviors, and building an advocacy environment around social marketing and the utilization of public/ private partnerships in meeting the family planning and health goals of the nation.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: August 19, 2021