Project Example

All Together Now! Community Mobilization for HIV/AIDS

This is part one of a two-part community mobilization toolkit for HIV/AIDS that helps communities to become actively and influentially involved in addressing the causes and effects of HIV and AIDS.The resources are:

• All Together Now! Community mobilization for HIV/AIDS guides you through the process of mobilizing communities to address HIV prevention, care, support, impact mitigation and treatment for those affected by HIV and AIDS.
Tools Together Now! 100 participatory tools to mobilize communities for HIV/AIDS is a set of participatory exercises designed to help put All Together Now! into practice.

This resource, “All Together Now”, describes the process of community mobilization. Community mobilization is a capacity-building process through which individuals, groups or organizations plan, carry out and evaluate activities on a participatory and sustained basis to improve their health and other needs, either on their own initiative or stimulated by others. The toolkit covers how to encourage community mobilization for prevention, care, support and treatment activities. It uses tried and tested approaches to help you facilitate communities to become actively involved in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and scaling up of HIV/AIDS projects and programs.

This toolkit is intended to help organizations and community groups mobilize and work together to address HIV/AIDS issues. Whether these issues relate to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, or mitigating the negative impact of HIV/AIDS on affected communities, this toolkit will be of use, and can also assist those wishing to support communities to assess the local HIV/AIDS situation: to plan, act, monitor, evaluate, reflect or scale up HIV/AIDS activities. The tools will be most helpful for people working directly with communities affected by HIV/AIDS. However, any organization working broadly on HIV/AIDS should find the toolkit useful.

Source: International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Date of Publication: August 5, 2021