Project Example

Alcohol and HIV Picture Codes – Pretest Guide [Namibia]

The Stand Up campaign in Namibia addressed the role of alcohol as a driver of HIV to begin to change behaviors and social norms around its use in light of high prevalence of HIV and AIDS. The campaign developed alcohol picture codes to allow audience members to figure out the scenario in each depiction, as well as reflect and analyze the different circumstances. The picture codes allow viewers to visually connect with the effects of alcohol and HIV. The picture code flip chart consists of a series of pages with a photo on the front and text on the back.

A facilitator shows the photo to groups or individuals and uses the text on the back to ask open-ended questions and generate discussion. For instance, each photo could begin with the following question: “What do you see in this photo?” At the end of each series of questions are a set of “Talking Points” that a facilitator can use to summarize the discussion’s main points.

These questions were developed for the pretest of the Pictures Codes flipchart.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019